Source code for oras.tests.test_provider

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright The ORAS Authors."
__license__ = "Apache-2.0"

import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

import pytest

import oras.client
import oras.defaults
import oras.oci
import oras.provider
import oras.utils

here = Path(__file__).resolve().parent

[docs] @pytest.mark.with_auth(False) def test_annotated_registry_push(tmp_path, registry, credentials, target): """ Basic tests for oras push with annotations """ # Direct access to registry functions remote = oras.provider.Registry(hostname=registry, insecure=True) client = oras.client.OrasClient(hostname=registry, insecure=True) artifact = os.path.join(here, "artifact.txt") assert os.path.exists(artifact) # Custom manifest annotations annots = {"holiday": "Halloween", "candy": "chocolate"} res = client.push(files=[artifact], target=target, manifest_annotations=annots) assert res.status_code in [200, 201] # Get the manifest manifest = remote.get_manifest(target) assert "annotations" in manifest for k, v in annots.items(): assert k in manifest["annotations"] assert manifest["annotations"][k] == v # Annotations from file with $manifest annotation_file = os.path.join(here, "annotations.json") file_annots = oras.utils.read_json(annotation_file) assert "$manifest" in file_annots res = client.push(files=[artifact], target=target, annotation_file=annotation_file) assert res.status_code in [200, 201] manifest = remote.get_manifest(target) assert "annotations" in manifest for k, v in file_annots["$manifest"].items(): assert k in manifest["annotations"] assert manifest["annotations"][k] == v # File that doesn't exist annotation_file = os.path.join(here, "annotations-nope.json") with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): res = client.push( files=[artifact], target=target, annotation_file=annotation_file )
[docs] @pytest.mark.with_auth(False) def test_file_contains_column(tmp_path, registry, credentials, target): """ Test for file containing column symbol """ client = oras.client.OrasClient(hostname=registry, insecure=True) artifact = os.path.join(here, "artifact.txt") assert os.path.exists(artifact) # file containing `:` try: contains_column = here / "some:file" with open(contains_column, "w") as f: f.write("hello world some:file") res = client.push(files=[contains_column], target=target) assert res.status_code in [200, 201] files = client.pull(target, outdir=tmp_path / "download") download = str(tmp_path / "download/some:file") assert download in files assert oras.utils.get_file_hash( str(contains_column) ) == oras.utils.get_file_hash(download) finally: contains_column.unlink() # file containing `:` as prefix, pushed with type try: contains_column = here / ":somefile" with open(contains_column, "w") as f: f.write("hello world :somefile") res = client.push(files=[f"{contains_column}:text/plain"], target=target) assert res.status_code in [200, 201] files = client.pull(target, outdir=tmp_path / "download") download = str(tmp_path / "download/:somefile") assert download in files assert oras.utils.get_file_hash( str(contains_column) ) == oras.utils.get_file_hash(download) finally: contains_column.unlink() # error: file does not exist with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): client.push(files=[".doesnotexist"], target=target) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): client.push(files=[":doesnotexist"], target=target) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError, match=r".*does:not:exists .*"): client.push(files=["does:not:exists:text/plain"], target=target) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError, match=r".*does:not:exists .*"): client.push(files=["does:not:exists:text/plain+ext"], target=target)
[docs] @pytest.mark.with_auth(False) def test_chunked_push(tmp_path, registry, credentials, target): """ Basic tests for oras chunked push """ # Direct access to registry functions client = oras.client.OrasClient(hostname=registry, insecure=True) artifact = os.path.join(here, "artifact.txt") assert os.path.exists(artifact) res = client.push(files=[artifact], target=target, do_chunked=True) assert res.status_code in [200, 201, 202] files = client.pull(target, outdir=tmp_path) assert str(tmp_path / "artifact.txt") in files assert oras.utils.get_file_hash(artifact) == oras.utils.get_file_hash(files[0]) # large file upload base_size = oras.defaults.default_chunksize * 1024 # 16GB tmp_chunked = here / "chunked" try: [ "dd", "if=/dev/null", f"of={tmp_chunked}", "bs=1", "count=0", f"seek={base_size}", ], ) res = client.push( files=[tmp_chunked], target=target, do_chunked=True, ) assert res.status_code in [200, 201, 202] files = client.pull(target, outdir=tmp_path / "download") download = str(tmp_path / "download/chunked") assert download in files assert oras.utils.get_file_hash(str(tmp_chunked)) == oras.utils.get_file_hash( download ) finally: tmp_chunked.unlink() # File that doesn't exist with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): res = client.push(files=[tmp_path / "none"], target=target)
[docs] def test_parse_manifest(registry): """ Test parse manifest function. Parse manifest function has additional logic for Windows - this isn't included in these tests as they don't usually run on Windows. """ testref = "path/to/config:application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json" remote = oras.provider.Registry(hostname=registry, insecure=True) ref, content_type = remote._parse_manifest_ref(testref) assert ref == "path/to/config" assert content_type == "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json" testref = "/dev/null:application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json" ref, content_type = remote._parse_manifest_ref(testref) assert ref == "/dev/null" assert content_type == "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json" testref = "/dev/null" ref, content_type = remote._parse_manifest_ref(testref) assert ref == "/dev/null" assert content_type == oras.defaults.unknown_config_media_type testref = "path/to/config.json" ref, content_type = remote._parse_manifest_ref(testref) assert ref == "path/to/config.json" assert content_type == oras.defaults.unknown_config_media_type
[docs] def test_sanitize_path(): HOME_DIR = str(Path.home()) assert str(oras.utils.sanitize_path(HOME_DIR, HOME_DIR)) == f"{HOME_DIR}" assert ( str(oras.utils.sanitize_path(HOME_DIR, os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "username"))) == f"{HOME_DIR}/username" ) assert ( str(oras.utils.sanitize_path(HOME_DIR, os.path.join(HOME_DIR, ".", "username"))) == f"{HOME_DIR}/username" ) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e: assert oras.utils.sanitize_path(HOME_DIR, os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "..")) assert ( str(e.value) == f"Filename {Path(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, '..')).resolve()} is not in {HOME_DIR} directory" ) assert oras.utils.sanitize_path("", "") == str(Path(".").resolve()) assert oras.utils.sanitize_path("/opt", os.path.join("/opt", "image_name")) == str( Path("/opt/image_name").resolve() ) assert oras.utils.sanitize_path("/../../", "/") == str(Path("/").resolve()) assert oras.utils.sanitize_path( Path(os.getcwd()).parent.absolute(), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..") ) == str(Path("..").resolve()) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e: assert oras.utils.sanitize_path( Path(os.getcwd()).parent.absolute(), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "..") ) != str(Path("../..").resolve()) assert ( str(e.value) == f"Filename {Path(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', '..')).resolve()} is not in {Path('../').resolve()} directory" )