Source code for oras.provider

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright The ORAS Authors."
__license__ = "Apache-2.0"

import copy
import os
import sys
import urllib
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
from dataclasses import asdict
from http.cookiejar import DefaultCookiePolicy
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Callable, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jsonschema
import requests

import oras.auth
import oras.container
import oras.decorator as decorator
import oras.defaults
import oras.main.login as login
import oras.oci
import oras.schemas
import oras.utils
from oras.logger import logger
from oras.types import container_type
from oras.utils.fileio import PathAndOptionalContent

[docs] @contextmanager def temporary_empty_config() -> Generator[str, None, None]: with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: config_file = oras.utils.get_tmpfile(tmpdir=tmpdir, suffix=".json") oras.utils.write_file(config_file, "{}") yield config_file
[docs] class Registry: """ Direct interactions with an OCI registry. This could also be called a "provider" when we add in the "copy" logic and the registry isn't necessarily the "remote" endpoint. """ def __init__( self, hostname: Optional[str] = None, insecure: bool = False, tls_verify: bool = True, auth_backend: str = "token", ): """ Create an ORAS client. The hostname is the remote registry to ping. :param hostname: the hostname of the registry to ping :type hostname: str :param registry: if provided, use this custom provider instead of default :type registry: oras.provider.Registry or None :param insecure: use http instead of https :type insecure: bool """ self.hostname: Optional[str] = hostname self.headers: dict = {} self.session: requests.Session = requests.Session() self.prefix: str = "http" if insecure else "https" self._tls_verify = tls_verify if not tls_verify: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # type: ignore # Ignore all cookies: some registries try to set one # and take it as a sign they are talking to a browser, # trying to set further CSRF cookies (Harbor is such a case) self.session.cookies.set_policy(DefaultCookiePolicy(allowed_domains=[])) # Get custom backend, pass on session to share self.auth = oras.auth.get_auth_backend(auth_backend, self.session, insecure) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def __str__(self) -> str: return "[oras-client]"
[docs] def version(self, return_items: bool = False) -> Union[dict, str]: """ Get the version of the client. :param return_items : return the dict of version info instead of string :type return_items: bool """ version = oras.version.__version__ python_version = "%s.%s.%s" % ( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro, ) versions = {"Version": version, "Python version": python_version} # If the user wants the dictionary of items returned if return_items: return versions # Otherwise return a string that can be printed return "\n".join(["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in versions.items()])
[docs] def delete_tags(self, name: str, tags=Union[str, list]) -> List[str]: """ Delete one or more tags for a unique resource identifier. Returns those successfully deleted. :param name: container URI to parse :type name: str :param tags: single or multiple tags name to delete :type N: string or list """ if isinstance(tags, str): tags = [tags] deleted = [] for tag in tags: if self.delete_tag(name, tag): deleted.append(tag) return deleted
[docs] def logout(self, hostname: str): """ If auths are loaded, remove a hostname. :param hostname: the registry hostname to remove :type hostname: str """ self.auth.logout(hostname)
[docs] def login( self, username: str, password: str, password_stdin: bool = False, tls_verify: bool = True, hostname: Optional[str] = None, config_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """ Login to a registry. :param username: the user account name :type username: str :param password: the user account password :type password: str :param password_stdin: get the password from standard input :type password_stdin: bool :param insecure: use http instead of https :type insecure: bool :param tls_verify: verify tls :type tls_verify: bool :param hostname: the hostname to login to :type hostname: str :param config_path: custom config path to add credentials to :type config_path: str """ # Read password from stdin if password_stdin: password = oras.utils.readline() # No username, try to get from stdin if not username: username = input("Username: ") # No password provided if not password: password = input("Password: ") if not password: raise ValueError("password required") # Cut out early if we didn't get what we need if not password or not username: return {"Login": "Not successful"} # Set basic auth for the auth client self.auth.set_basic_auth(username, password) # Login # try: client = oras.utils.get_docker_client(tls_verify=tls_verify) return client.login( username=username, password=password, registry=hostname, dockercfg_path=config_path, ) # Fallback to manual login except Exception: return login.DockerClient().login( username=username, # type: ignore password=password, # type: ignore registry=hostname, # type: ignore dockercfg_path=config_path, )
[docs] def set_header(self, name: str, value: str): """ Courtesy function to set a header :param name: header name to set :type name: str :param value: header value to set :type value: str """ self.headers.update({name: value})
def _validate_path(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Ensure a blob path is in the present working directory or below. :param path: the path to validate :type path: str """ return os.getcwd() in os.path.abspath(path) def _parse_manifest_ref(self, ref: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Parse an optional manifest config. Examples -------- <path>:<content-type> path/to/config:application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json /dev/null:application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json :param ref: the manifest reference to parse (examples above) :type ref: str :return - A Tuple of the path and the content-type, using the default unknown config media type if none found in the reference """ path_content: PathAndOptionalContent = oras.utils.split_path_and_content(ref) if not path_content.content: path_content.content = oras.defaults.unknown_config_media_type return path_content.path, path_content.content
[docs] def upload_blob( self, blob: str, container: container_type, layer: dict, do_chunked: bool = False, chunk_size: int = oras.defaults.default_chunksize, ) -> requests.Response: """ Prepare and upload a blob. Large artifacts can be uploaded via a chunked approach (post, patch+, put) to registries that support it. Larger chunks generally give better throughput. Set do_chunked=True for chunked upload. :param blob: path to blob to upload :type blob: str :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str :param layer: dict from oras.oci.NewLayer :type layer: dict :param do_chunked: if true do chunked blob upload. This allows upload of larger oci artifacts. :type do_chunked: bool :param chunk_size: if true use chunked upload. :type chunk_size: int """ blob = os.path.abspath(blob) container = self.get_container(container) if self.blob_exists(layer, container): logger.debug(f'layer already exists: {layer["digest"]}') response = requests.Response() response.status_code = 200 return response # Chunked for large, otherwise POST and PUT # This is currently disabled unless the user asks for it, as # it doesn't seem to work for all registries if not do_chunked: response = self.put_upload(blob, container, layer) else: response = self.chunked_upload( blob, container, layer, chunk_size=chunk_size, ) # If we have an empty layer digest and the registry didn't accept, just return dummy successful response if ( response.status_code not in [200, 201, 202] and layer["digest"] == oras.defaults.blank_hash ): response = requests.Response() response.status_code = 200 return response
[docs] @decorator.ensure_container def delete_tag(self, container: container_type, tag: str) -> bool: """ Delete a tag for a container. :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str :param tag: name of tag to delete :type tag: str """ logger.debug(f"Deleting tag {tag} for {container}") head_url = f"{self.prefix}://{container.manifest_url(tag)}" # type: ignore # get digest of manifest to delete response = self.do_request( head_url, "HEAD", headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json"}, ) if response.status_code == 404: logger.error(f"Cannot find tag {container}:{tag}") return False digest = response.headers.get("Docker-Content-Digest") if not digest: raise RuntimeError("Expected to find Docker-Content-Digest header.") delete_url = f"{self.prefix}://{container.manifest_url(digest)}" # type: ignore response = self.do_request(delete_url, "DELETE") if response.status_code != 202: raise RuntimeError("Delete was not successful: {response.json()}") return True
[docs] @decorator.ensure_container def get_tags(self, container: container_type, N=None) -> List[str]: """ Retrieve tags for a package. :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str :param N: limit number of tags, None for all (default) :type N: Optional[int] """ retrieve_all = N is None tags_url = f"{self.prefix}://{container.tags_url(N=N)}" # type: ignore tags: List[str] = [] def extract_tags(response: requests.Response): """ Determine if we should continue based on new tags and under limit. """ json = response.json() new_tags = json.get("tags") or [] tags.extend(new_tags) return len(new_tags) and (retrieve_all or len(tags) < N) self._do_paginated_request(tags_url, callable=extract_tags) # If we got a longer set than was asked for if N is not None and len(tags) > N: tags = tags[:N] return tags
def _do_paginated_request( self, url: str, callable: Callable[[requests.Response], bool] ): """ Paginate a request for a URL. We look for the "Link" header to get the next URL to ping. If the callable returns True, we continue to the next page, otherwise we stop. """ # Save the base url to add parameters to, assuming only the params change parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) base_url = f"{parts.scheme}://{parts.netloc}" # get all results using the pagination while True: response = self.do_request(url, "GET", headers=self.headers) # Check 200 response, show errors if any self._check_200_response(response) want_more = callable(response) if not want_more: break link = response.links.get("next", {}).get("url") # Get the next link if not link: break # use link + base url to continue with next page url = urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, link)
[docs] @decorator.ensure_container def get_blob( self, container: container_type, digest: str, stream: bool = False, head: bool = False, ) -> requests.Response: """ Retrieve a blob for a package. :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str :param digest: sha256 digest of the blob to retrieve :type digest: str :param stream: stream the response (or not) :type stream: bool :param head: use head to determine if blob exists :type head: bool """ method = "GET" if not head else "HEAD" blob_url = f"{self.prefix}://{container.get_blob_url(digest)}" # type: ignore return self.do_request(blob_url, method, headers=self.headers, stream=stream)
[docs] def get_container(self, name: container_type) -> oras.container.Container: """ Courtesy function to get a container from a URI. :param name: unique resource identifier to parse :type name: oras.container.Container or str """ if isinstance(name, oras.container.Container): return name return oras.container.Container(name, registry=self.hostname)
# Functions to be deprecated in favor of exposed ones @decorator.ensure_container def _download_blob( self, container: container_type, digest: str, outfile: str ) -> str: logger.warning( "This function is deprecated in favor of download_blob and will be removed by 0.1.2" ) return self.download_blob(container, digest, outfile) def _put_upload( self, blob: str, container: oras.container.Container, layer: dict ) -> requests.Response: logger.warning( "This function is deprecated in favor of put_upload and will be removed by 0.1.2" ) return self.put_upload(blob, container, layer) def _chunked_upload( self, blob: str, container: oras.container.Container, layer: dict ) -> requests.Response: logger.warning( "This function is deprecated in favor of chunked_upload and will be removed by 0.1.2" ) return self.chunked_upload(blob, container, layer) def _upload_manifest( self, manifest: dict, container: oras.container.Container ) -> requests.Response: logger.warning( "This function is deprecated in favor of upload_manifest and will be removed by 0.1.2" ) return self.upload_manifest(manifest, container) def _upload_blob( self, blob: str, container: container_type, layer: dict, do_chunked: bool = False, ) -> requests.Response: logger.warning( "This function is deprecated in favor of upload_blob and will be removed by 0.1.2" ) return self.upload_blob(blob, container, layer, do_chunked)
[docs] @decorator.ensure_container def download_blob( self, container: container_type, digest: str, outfile: str ) -> str: """ Stream download a blob into an output file. This function is a wrapper around get_blob. :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str """ try: # Ensure output directory exists first outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): oras.utils.mkdir_p(outdir) with self.get_blob(container, digest, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(outfile, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: f.write(chunk) # Allow an empty layer to fail and return /dev/null except Exception as e: if digest == oras.defaults.blank_hash: return os.devnull raise e return outfile
[docs] def put_upload( self, blob: str, container: oras.container.Container, layer: dict, ) -> requests.Response: """ Upload to a registry via put. :param blob: path to blob to upload :type blob: str :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str :param layer: dict from oras.oci.NewLayer :type layer: dict """ # Start an upload session headers = {"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"} upload_url = f"{self.prefix}://{container.upload_blob_url()}" r = self.do_request(upload_url, "POST", headers=headers) # Location should be in the header session_url = self._get_location(r, container) if not session_url: raise ValueError(f"Issue retrieving session url: {r.json()}") # PUT to upload blob url headers = { "Content-Length": str(layer["size"]), "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", } headers.update(self.headers) blob_url = oras.utils.append_url_params( session_url, {"digest": layer["digest"]} ) with open(blob, "rb") as fd: response = self.do_request( blob_url, method="PUT",, headers=headers, ) return response
[docs] def blob_exists( self, layer: oras.oci.Layer, container: oras.container.Container ) -> bool: """ Check if a layer already exists in the registry. :param layer: the layer to check for existence :type layer: oras.oci.Layer :param container: the container to determine where to look for layer existence :type container: oras.container.Container """ blob_url = container.get_blob_url(layer["digest"]) response = self.do_request(f"{self.prefix}://{blob_url}", "HEAD") return response.status_code == 200
def _get_location( self, r: requests.Response, container: oras.container.Container ) -> str: """ Parse the location header and ensure it includes a hostname. This currently assumes if there isn't a hostname, we are pushing to the same registry hostname of the original request. :param r: requests response with headers :type r: requests.Response :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str """ session_url = r.headers.get("location", "") if not session_url: return session_url # Some registries do not return the full registry hostname. Check that # the url starts with a protocol scheme, change tracked with: # prefix = f"{self.prefix}://{container.registry}" if not session_url.startswith("http"): session_url = f"{prefix}{session_url}" return session_url
[docs] def chunked_upload( self, blob: str, container: oras.container.Container, layer: dict, chunk_size: int = oras.defaults.default_chunksize, ) -> requests.Response: """ Upload via a chunked upload. :param blob: path to blob to upload :type blob: str :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str :param layer: dict from oras.oci.NewLayer :type layer: dict :param chunk_size: chunk size in bytes :type chunk_size: int """ # Start an upload session headers = {"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "Content-Length": "0"} headers.update(self.headers) upload_url = f"{self.prefix}://{container.upload_blob_url()}" r = self.do_request(upload_url, "POST", headers=headers) # Location should be in the header session_url = self._get_location(r, container) if not session_url: raise ValueError(f"Issue retrieving session url: {r.json()}") # Read the blob in chunks, for each do a patch start = 0 with open(blob, "rb") as fd: for chunk in oras.utils.read_in_chunks(fd, chunk_size=chunk_size): end = start + len(chunk) - 1 content_range = "%s-%s" % (start, end) headers = { "Content-Range": content_range, "Content-Length": str(len(chunk)), "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", } headers.update(self.headers) # Important to update with auth token if acquired # TODO call to auth here start = end + 1 self._check_200_response( r := self.do_request( session_url, "PATCH", data=chunk, headers=headers ) ) session_url = self._get_location(r, container) if not session_url: raise ValueError(f"Issue retrieving session url: {r.json()}") # Finally, issue a PUT request to close blob session_url = oras.utils.append_url_params( session_url, {"digest": layer["digest"]} ) return self.do_request(session_url, "PUT", headers=self.headers)
def _check_200_response(self, response: requests.Response): """ Helper function to ensure some flavor of 200 :param response: request response to inspect :type response: requests.Response """ if response.status_code not in [200, 201, 202]: self._parse_response_errors(response) raise ValueError(f"Issue with {response.request.url}: {response.reason}") def _parse_response_errors(self, response: requests.Response): """ Given a failed request, look for OCI formatted error messages. :param response: request response to inspect :type response: requests.Response """ try: msg = response.json() for error in msg.get("errors", []): if isinstance(error, dict) and "message" in error: logger.error(error["message"]) except Exception: pass
[docs] def upload_manifest( self, manifest: dict, container: oras.container.Container, ) -> requests.Response: """ Read a manifest file and upload it. :param manifest: manifest to upload :type manifest: dict :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str """ jsonschema.validate(manifest, schema=oras.schemas.manifest) headers = { "Content-Type": oras.defaults.default_manifest_media_type, "Content-Length": str(len(manifest)), } return self.do_request( f"{self.prefix}://{container.manifest_url()}", # noqa "PUT", headers=headers, json=manifest, )
[docs] def push( self, target: str, config_path: Optional[str] = None, disable_path_validation: bool = False, files: Optional[List] = None, manifest_config: Optional[str] = None, annotation_file: Optional[str] = None, manifest_annotations: Optional[dict] = None, subject: Optional[str] = None, do_chunked: bool = False, chunk_size: int = oras.defaults.default_chunksize, ) -> requests.Response: """ Push a set of files to a target :param config_path: path to a config file :type config_path: str :param disable_path_validation: ensure paths are relative to the running directory. :type disable_path_validation: bool :param files: list of files to push :type files: list :param insecure: allow registry to use http :type insecure: bool :param annotation_file: manifest annotations file :type annotation_file: str :param manifest_annotations: manifest annotations :type manifest_annotations: dict :param target: target location to push to :type target: str :param do_chunked: if true do chunked blob upload :type do_chunked: bool :param chunk_size: chunk size in bytes :type chunk_size: int :param subject: optional subject reference :type subject: oras.oci.Subject """ container = self.get_container(target) files = files or [] self.auth.load_configs( container, configs=[config_path] if config_path else None ) # Prepare a new manifest manifest = oras.oci.NewManifest() # A lookup of annotations we can add (to blobs or manifest) annotset = oras.oci.Annotations(annotation_file) media_type = None # Upload files as blobs for blob in files: # You can provide a blob + content type path_content: PathAndOptionalContent = oras.utils.split_path_and_content( str(blob) ) blob = path_content.path media_type = path_content.content # Must exist if not os.path.exists(blob): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{blob} does not exist.") # Path validation means blob must be relative to PWD. if not disable_path_validation: if not self._validate_path(blob): raise ValueError( f"Blob {blob} is not in the present working directory context." ) # Save directory or blob name before compressing blob_name = os.path.basename(blob) # If it's a directory, we need to compress cleanup_blob = False if os.path.isdir(blob): blob = oras.utils.make_targz(blob) cleanup_blob = True # Create a new layer from the blob layer = oras.oci.NewLayer(blob, is_dir=cleanup_blob, media_type=media_type) annotations = annotset.get_annotations(blob) # Always strip blob_name of path separator layer["annotations"] = { oras.defaults.annotation_title: blob_name.strip(os.sep) } if annotations: layer["annotations"].update(annotations) # update the manifest with the new layer manifest["layers"].append(layer) logger.debug(f"Preparing layer {layer}") # Upload the blob layer response = self.upload_blob( blob, container, layer, do_chunked=do_chunked, chunk_size=chunk_size, ) self._check_200_response(response) # Do we need to cleanup a temporary targz? if cleanup_blob and os.path.exists(blob): os.remove(blob) # Add annotations to the manifest, if provided manifest_annots = annotset.get_annotations("$manifest") or {} # Custom manifest annotations from client key=value pairs # These over-ride any potentially provided from file custom_annots = copy.deepcopy(manifest_annotations) if custom_annots: manifest_annots.update(custom_annots) if manifest_annots: manifest["annotations"] = manifest_annots if subject: manifest["subject"] = asdict(subject) # Prepare the manifest config (temporary or one provided) config_annots = annotset.get_annotations("$config") if manifest_config: ref, media_type = self._parse_manifest_ref(manifest_config) conf, config_file = oras.oci.ManifestConfig(ref, media_type) else: conf, config_file = oras.oci.ManifestConfig() # Config annotations? if config_annots: conf["annotations"] = config_annots # Config is just another layer blob! logger.debug(f"Preparing config {conf}") with ( temporary_empty_config() if config_file is None else nullcontext(config_file) ) as config_file: response = self.upload_blob(config_file, container, conf) self._check_200_response(response) # Final upload of the manifest manifest["config"] = conf response = self.upload_manifest( manifest, container ) # make the returned response from this method, the one pertaining to the uploaded Manifest self._check_200_response(response) print(f"Successfully pushed {container}") return response
[docs] def pull( self, target: str, config_path: Optional[str] = None, allowed_media_type: Optional[List] = None, overwrite: bool = True, outdir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[str]: """ Pull an artifact from a target :param config_path: path to a config file :type config_path: str :param allowed_media_type: list of allowed media types :type allowed_media_type: list or None :param overwrite: if output file exists, overwrite :type overwrite: bool :param manifest_config_ref: save manifest config to this file :type manifest_config_ref: str :param outdir: output directory path :type outdir: str :param target: target location to pull from :type target: str """ container = self.get_container(target) self.auth.load_configs( container, configs=[config_path] if config_path else None ) manifest = self.get_manifest(container, allowed_media_type) outdir = outdir or oras.utils.get_tmpdir() overwrite = overwrite files = [] for layer in manifest.get("layers", []): filename = (layer.get("annotations") or {}).get( oras.defaults.annotation_title ) # If we don't have a filename, default to digest. Hopefully does not happen if not filename: filename = layer["digest"] # This raises an error if there is a malicious path outfile = oras.utils.sanitize_path(outdir, os.path.join(outdir, filename)) if not overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): logger.warning( f"{outfile} already exists and --keep-old-files set, will not overwrite." ) continue # A directory will need to be uncompressed and moved if layer["mediaType"] == oras.defaults.default_blob_dir_media_type: targz = oras.utils.get_tmpfile(suffix=".tar.gz") self.download_blob(container, layer["digest"], targz) # The artifact will be extracted to the correct name oras.utils.extract_targz(targz, os.path.dirname(outfile)) # Anything else just extracted directly else: self.download_blob(container, layer["digest"], outfile)"Successfully pulled {outfile}.") files.append(outfile) return files
[docs] @decorator.ensure_container def get_manifest( self, container: container_type, allowed_media_type: Optional[list] = None, ) -> dict: """ Retrieve a manifest for a package. :param container: parsed container URI :type container: oras.container.Container or str :param allowed_media_type: one or more allowed media types :type allowed_media_type: str """ if not allowed_media_type: allowed_media_type = [oras.defaults.default_manifest_media_type] headers = {"Accept": ";".join(allowed_media_type)} get_manifest = f"{self.prefix}://{container.manifest_url()}" # type: ignore response = self.do_request(get_manifest, "GET", headers=headers) self._check_200_response(response) manifest = response.json() jsonschema.validate(manifest, schema=oras.schemas.manifest) return manifest
[docs] @decorator.retry() def do_request( self, url: str, method: str = "GET", data: Optional[Union[dict, bytes]] = None, headers: Optional[dict] = None, json: Optional[dict] = None, stream: bool = False, ) -> requests.Response: """ Do a request. This is a wrapper around requests to handle retry auth. :param url: the URL to issue the request to :type url: str :param method: the method to use (GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, PATCH) :type method: str :param data: data for requests :type data: dict or bytes :param headers: headers for the request :type headers: dict :param json: json data for requests :type json: dict :param stream: stream the responses :type stream: bool """ # Make the request and return to calling function, but attempt to use auth token if previously obtained if ( headers is not None and isinstance(self.auth, oras.auth.TokenAuth) and self.auth.token is not None ): headers.update(self.auth.get_auth_header()) response = self.session.request( method, url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers, stream=stream, verify=self._tls_verify, ) # A 401 response is a request for authentication, 404 is not found if response.status_code not in [401, 403]: return response # Otherwise, authenticate the request and retry headers, changed = self.auth.authenticate_request(response, headers) if not changed: raise ValueError("Cannot respond to request for authentication.") response = self.session.request( method, url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers, stream=stream, verify=self._tls_verify, ) # One retry if 403 denied (need new token?) if response.status_code == 403: headers, changed = self.auth.authenticate_request( response, headers, refresh=True ) response = self.session.request( method, url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers, stream=stream, verify=self._tls_verify, ) return response