Source code for oras.container

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright The ORAS Authors."
__license__ = "Apache-2.0"

import re
from typing import Optional

import oras.defaults

docker_regex = re.compile(

[docs] class Container: def __init__(self, name: str, registry: Optional[str] = None): """ Parse a container name and easily get urls for registry interactions. :param name: the full name of the container to parse (with any components) :type name: str :param registry: a custom registry name, if not provided with URI :type registry: str """ self.registry = registry or oras.defaults.registry.index_name # Registry is the name takes precendence self.parse(name) @property def api_prefix(self): """ Return the repository prefix for the v2 API endpoints. """ if self.namespace: return f"{self.namespace}/{self.repository}" return self.repository
[docs] def get_blob_url(self, digest: str) -> str: """ Get the URL to download a blob :param digest: the digest to download :type digest: str """ return f"{self.registry}/v2/{self.api_prefix}/blobs/{digest}"
[docs] def upload_blob_url(self) -> str: return f"{self.registry}/v2/{self.api_prefix}/blobs/uploads/"
[docs] def tags_url(self, N=None) -> str: if N is None: return f"{self.registry}/v2/{self.api_prefix}/tags/list" return f"{self.registry}/v2/{self.api_prefix}/tags/list?n={N}"
[docs] def manifest_url(self, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Get the manifest url for a specific tag, or the one for this container. The tag provided can also correspond to a digest. :param tag: an optional tag to provide (if not provided defaults to container) :type tag: None or str """ # an explicitly defined tag has precedence over everything, # but from the already defined ones, prefer the digest for consistency. tag = tag or (self.digest or self.tag) return f"{self.registry}/v2/{self.api_prefix}/manifests/{tag}"
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.uri @property def uri(self) -> str: """ Assemble the complete unique resource identifier """ if self.namespace: uri = f"{self.namespace}/{self.repository}" else: uri = f"{self.repository}" if self.registry: uri = f"{self.registry}/{uri}" # Digest takes preference because more specific if self.digest: uri = f"{uri}@{self.digest}" elif self.tag: uri = f"{uri}:{self.tag}" return uri
[docs] def parse(self, name: str): """ Parse the container name into registry, repository, and tag. :param name: the full name of the container to parse (with any components) :type name: str """ match =, name) if not match: raise ValueError( f"{name} does not match a recognized registry unique resource identifier. Try <registry>/<namespace>/<repository>:<tag|digest>" ) items = match.groupdict() # type: ignore self.repository = items["repository"] self.registry = items["registry"] or self.registry self.namespace = items["namespace"] self.tag = items["tag"] or oras.defaults.default_tag self.digest = items["digest"] # Repository is required if not self.repository: raise ValueError( "You are minimally required to include a <namespace>/<repository>" ) if self.namespace: self.namespace = self.namespace.strip("/")