Source code for oras.client

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright The ORAS Authors."
__license__ = "Apache-2.0"

import sys
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import oras.auth
import oras.container
import oras.main.login as login
import oras.provider
import oras.utils
import oras.version

[docs] class OrasClient: """ Create an OCI Registry as Storage (ORAS) Client. This is intended for controlled interactions. The user of oras-py can use this client, the terminal command line wrappers, or the functions in main in isolation as an internal Python API. The user can provide a custom registry as a parameter, if desired. If not provided we default to standard oras. """ def __init__( self, hostname: Optional[str] = None, registry: Optional[oras.provider.Registry] = None, insecure: bool = False, tls_verify: bool = True, ): """ Create an ORAS client. The hostname is the remote registry to ping. :param hostname: the hostname of the registry to ping :type hostname: str :param registry: if provided, use this custom provider instead of default :type registry: oras.provider.Registry or None :param insecure: use http instead of https :type insecure: bool """ self.remote = registry or oras.provider.Registry(hostname, insecure, tls_verify) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def __str__(self) -> str: return "[oras-client]"
[docs] def set_token_auth(self, token: str): """ Set token authentication. :param token: the bearer token :type token: str """ self.remote.set_token_auth(token)
[docs] def set_basic_auth(self, username: str, password: str): """ Add basic authentication to the request. :param username: the user account name :type username: str :param password: the user account password :type password: str """ self.remote.set_basic_auth(username, password)
[docs] def version(self, return_items: bool = False) -> Union[dict, str]: """ Get the version of the client. :param return_items : return the dict of version info instead of string :type return_items: bool """ version = oras.version.__version__ python_version = "%s.%s.%s" % ( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro, ) versions = {"Version": version, "Python version": python_version} # If the user wants the dictionary of items returned if return_items: return versions # Otherwise return a string that can be printed return "\n".join(["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in versions.items()])
[docs] def get_tags(self, name: str, N=None) -> List[str]: """ Retrieve tags for a package. :param name: container URI to parse :type name: str :param N: number of tags (None to get all tags) :type N: int """ return self.remote.get_tags(name, N=N)
[docs] def delete_tags(self, name: str, tags=Union[str, list]) -> List[str]: """ Delete one or more tags for a unique resource identifier. Returns those successfully deleted. :param name: container URI to parse :type name: str :param tags: single or multiple tags name to delete :type N: string or list """ if isinstance(tags, str): tags = [tags] deleted = [] for tag in tags: if self.remote.delete_tag(name, tag): deleted.append(tag) return deleted
[docs] def push(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Push a container to the remote. """ return self.remote.push(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def pull(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Pull a container from the remote. """ return self.remote.pull(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def login( self, username: str, password: str, password_stdin: bool = False, insecure: bool = False, tls_verify: bool = True, hostname: Optional[str] = None, config_path: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> dict: """ Login to a registry. :param registry: if provided, use this custom provider instead of default :type registry: oras.provider.Registry or None :param username: the user account name :type username: str :param password: the user account password :type password: str :param password_stdin: get the password from standard input :type password_stdin: bool :param insecure: use http instead of https :type insecure: bool :param tls_verify: verify tls :type tls_verify: bool :param hostname: the hostname to login to :type hostname: str :param config_path: list of config paths to add :type config_path: list """ login_func = self._login if hasattr(self.remote, "login"): login_func = self.remote.login # type: ignore return login_func( username=username, password=password, password_stdin=password_stdin, tls_verify=tls_verify, hostname=hostname, config_path=config_path, # type: ignore )
[docs] def logout(self, hostname: str): """ Logout from a registry, meaning removing any auth (if loaded) :param hostname: the hostname to login to :type hostname: str """ self.remote.logout(hostname)
def _login( self, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, password_stdin: bool = False, tls_verify: bool = True, hostname: Optional[str] = None, config_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """ Login to an OCI registry. The username and password can come from stdin. Most people use username password to get a token, so we are disabling providing just a token for now. A tool that wants to provide a token should use set_token_auth. """ # Read password from stdin if password_stdin: password = oras.utils.readline() # No username, try to get from stdin if not username: username = input("Username: ") # No password provided if not password: password = input("Password: ") if not password: raise ValueError("password required") # Cut out early if we didn't get what we need if not password or not username: return {"Login": "Not successful"} # Set basic auth for the client self.set_basic_auth(username, password) # Login # try: client = oras.utils.get_docker_client(tls_verify=tls_verify) return client.login( username=username, password=password, registry=hostname, dockercfg_path=config_path, ) # Fallback to manual login except Exception: return login.DockerClient().login( username=username, # type: ignore password=password, # type: ignore registry=hostname, # type: ignore dockercfg_path=config_path, )